Yearlong Ritual Arts Training

Portland Reclaiming Teachers Alliance  (PORTAL) presents:


A Yearlong Ritual Arts Training

    In late Spring, in the land of Ancient Egypt, the green waters of the River Nile would rise and cover the fields, bringing the silt that revived desert land and allowed the crops to be planted in fertile soil.   The people would celebrate the flood and harvest cycle and feed their gods with ritual, dancing, singing and theatre.  Osiris.  Horus.  Isis.  Sekhmet.  Thoth.  Hathor. Bast.  Set.  Nephthys.  Ra.  Nuit.  The gods were beautiful and strange, some with animal heads and human bodies but each of them was essential for healing, death, wisdom, harvest, love, protection or some other aspect of the human experience.    

    The class will meet the third Saturday of the month*, to learn and/or strengthen such skills as: creating sacred space, invocations, trance leading, energy raising and chant leading, as well as group planning processes,community organizing and feedback skills.  Teachers will rotate to offer a variety of styles and to better skill share; each session will focus on a different topic. Prerequisite is Elements of Magic, plus you should be able to ground, participate in creating sacred space, go into trance and come back out, as well as have an understanding of your personal energy and boundaries. 

Cost for the year is $720 payable in monthly payments of $60 ($120 deposit is necessary to hold your place and counts towards 1st and last month's payment) or you can opt to pay $600 up front (and receive a discount of $120)

For Questions or more info contact Ravyn @ or 503.754.8802

To register contact Kate @ or 503.236.8002

Teachers are: Courtney, Dawn, Kate, Ravyn and Scott                                            

be seen at:   

*Dates: 4/18, 5/16, 6/20, 7/18, 8/15, 9/19, 10/17, 11/21, 12/12, 1/16/10, 2/20/10, 3/20/10.